Apr 17, 2018 | "Conspiracy", Antichrist, But That's Just Me, CERN, End Times, Ezekiel 38-39, Fallen Angel, God and Angels, Isaiah 17, NWO, Rapture
Are Christians being set up to take a fall? Is Syria our new 9/11 and Trump our new Bush? I’d love to believe that Trump is the outsider bucking the system and maybe, in the end, it will shape up that he was but….and I’ll just leave it at...
Jan 30, 2018 | But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, Rapture, UFOlogy
We visited this subject quite a few times on my blog but here are some recent shows I have listened to and I thought should be shared. We are so close to the Lord’s return and deception is at an uptick. Delusions are sweeping across the world and people are more...
Nov 10, 2017 | But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, God and Angels
This weekend there will be a 70ft long, fire-breathing Red Dragon from Burning Man called Abraxas, named after a demon, coming to Washington D.C. Also, notice in the AP image above that they put up the Nataraja (Shiva) last year that CERN displays as well. When...
Sep 18, 2017 | But That's Just Me, End Times, Revelation 12 Sign, Salvation, Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars
Hey all! I have been tied up due to hurricane shenanigans but I wanted to stop off and make a quickie post in regards to something that has irked me to no end and that is all the scoffers and mouth watering looking forward to being gloaters. Not just that but, now we...
Nov 4, 2016 | "Conspiracy", Antichrist, But That's Just Me, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, God and Angels, NWO
I have been waiting to write a post on the events of late and the US elections but every single day something new comes out and so I waited for the right thing to discuss. I know it all ties together towards the New World Order ie: The one world government and...
Aug 25, 2016 | "Conspiracy", End Times, Fallen Angel, Fringe
A friend told my husband about a new Netflix series that he thought we would enjoy and find very fascinating. He was right, we sat down and watched it over the past weekend and enjoyed it. The series was “Stranger Things”. It takes place in Hawkins Indiana...
Aug 19, 2016 | "Conspiracy", End Times, Fallen Angel, Fringe, Giants, UFOlogy
When Timothy discusses certain technologies that are opening portals in the interview below you can bet it is CERN and D Wave he is alluding to. CERN definitely ties into these discoveries and unveiling of some secrets that Timothy Alberino and Steve Quayle reveal in...
Aug 2, 2016 | Antichrist, But That's Just Me, CERN, End Times, God and Angels, Rapture, The Occult
Below is the latest interview of Anthony Patch about CERN done on the Kev Baker show (Only 49mins). Also, I have included End Times Matrix News’s latest video on Code 923 as well (Only 28mins). They touch on CERN in it too. THEN……923 again? As...
Jul 3, 2016 | CERN, End Times, NWO
Do not forget that it is not mere humans we are battling. We may face humans in the battle but the true forces behind the evil is not flesh and blood. Don’t forget but remember: Ephesians 6:11-13 ~ Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand...
Jun 17, 2016 | CERN, End Times Spiritualism/Religion
So this happened…And yes, this is ritual NOT art… This snip from The Vigilant Citizen’s article below says sums it up: “What does this have to do with the building of a tunnel? Mass media, in its vein attempts at explaining this ceremony, state...
Mar 18, 2016 | "Conspiracy", Antichrist, End Times, NWO, Prophecy
Fascinating information to contemplate. Will this year reveal the Antichrist and the start of the Tribulation? We can’t know for certain until it unfolds but, the research that Tom Horn did with the help of Cris Putnam’s research, unfolded a ton of...
Mar 15, 2016 | "Conspiracy", End Times, Fallen Angel, Fringe, Giants, UFOlogy
Most excellent interview…Please take the time to listen to it. Please also visit the link to the video because Josh Peck provides other key links pertinent to the interview such as links to David Flynn as well as others!!! UPDATE: David Flynn’s site and...
Dec 31, 2015 | CERN, End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel
Thank you to FaceLikeTheSun for posting a CERN WATCH update via an email from Anthony Patch who has and has had the most valuable information about CERN from the beginning. There will be a live stream video on January 6th 2016 (this coming Wednesday). I will post this...
Dec 30, 2015 | "Conspiracy", End Times, End Times Spiritualism/Religion, Fallen Angel, Fringe, Rapture, UFOlogy
Here are a few excellent videos and links on the subject in the title ^. We are at a very critical time now. I am sure the pushing of the agenda of the enemy of Jesus that leads people to believe that aliens from outer space seeded us here on Earth and are our ancient...
Nov 14, 2015 | "Conspiracy", Antichrist, End Times, NWO
*** UPDATED *** What a horrible way to end the day yesterday on 11/13/15…Friday the 13th! So many lives lost in an evil evil way! Things are changing in our world and they will continue to become darker and darker as the enemy works to bring the New World Order...