The Most Heartbreaking Unsatisfying “I told you so” of All Time.

I think the point people miss with a tin foil hat meme like this one above is that the very people being made fun of are the very ones who tried to wake others up and actually ended up saving the day. There is another point being made with these characters that goes...

Satan Constantly Rips God Off…Will The Mark Of The Beast Also Reveal That He Does?

Ok, this post may be a discombobulated mess of thoughts that came to my mind after I saw Paul Dawson’s social media post today. I have been taking notes over the last two weeks to make another post about the jab and the end times and it’s tie to the Mark...

Israel Turns 73 And All Hell Breaks Loose. 2021 Is A Pivotal Time As Far As Fig Tree Generation Goes. Be On Watch!

UPDATE ADDED AT BOTTOM Matthew 24:32-34 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say...

The Pope, the Alien Savior, and the Year of Dung

Just a short link share post. I have been taking a wee bit of a break from all things. I’m still watching very closely and expecting something big this year (maybe within the next 2 months) but, I needed a little time to just re-group. That said, if you do not...
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